10 Positive Employee Feedback Examples for Different Skills

In this article, we’ve provided ten positive employee feedback examples to inspire and get you started.

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According to Gallup, nearly six out of ten employees are quiet quitting and disengaging from work. There are many reasons for this alarming trend, but one could be the lack of recognition from their managers.

When we think of feedback, annual performance reviews and providing constructive feedback on areas employees could improve spring to mind. But what if you could implement positive feedback and employee recognition as a regular practice in your company and see what happens?

In this article, we’ve provided ten positive employee feedback examples to inspire and get you started.

How to Give Positive Employee Feedback

Learning how to provide effective feedback is essential for managers, knowing that managers influence up to 70% of team engagement and motivation. Here are some tips before we go on to specific examples:

• Be specific: Instead of sending similar, generic feedback to all employees, mention the exact behaviours or accomplishments that you’re praising them for to make it more effective.
• Give examples: You can illustrate your feedback with examples to show that you’ve observed their actions and your feedback is genuine.
• Personalise: Pay attention to employees’ communication styles and the way each employee prefers to receive feedback. Some like to hear it during 1:1 sessions, while others prefer to get it in a written form so they can keep it. Some people prefer public praise, while others may get a bit shy or embarrassed.
• Make it regular: Create a system for continuous recognition and appreciation instead of providing positive feedback only during yearly performance reviews. A Gallup study reveals that employees are 3.6 times more likely to be motivated to do outstanding work if the manager provides them with regular feedback.
• Automate the process: If you struggle to provide feedback to a large number of people or forget to do it frequently, you can use employee feedback software to automate the process, get templates and save time.
• Encourage growth: Use this occasion not only to praise your employees but also to focus on future growth opportunities and encourage them to develop their strong skills further.

Final note: Although we’re primarily talking about positive feedback, it’s essential to emphasise that even constructive/negative feedback should have some positive elements. Even if you need to criticise someone, start and end your feedback on a positive note and don’t forget to add actionable tips on what can be improved. That way, you’re making employees feel safe and supported and increasing the chances that they’ll implement your feedback.

10 Positive Employee Feedback Examples by Categories

Here are positive feedback examples for different skills that you can use as a template or inspiration for coming up with your own.

Performance Skills

“Your commitment to meeting last quarter’s sales target is impressive and such a motivation for all of us. Your strategic approach and determination set a high standard for the rest of the team and you’re a great role model for both younger and more senior colleagues.”
“Great job! You’ve played a crucial part in helping the team surpass our KPIs. Your hard work and dedication during the last quarter stood out, and the management noticed it. Keep up the excellent work!”

Leadership Skills

“Your leadership skills are outstanding. How you guided the team during the product launch by fostering collaboration and a growth mindset truly made a difference. You’re such a motivation, and the world needs more leaders like you.”
“You did a fantastic job covering managerial duties and handling everything by yourself while the manager was away. We noticed your natural leadership and confidence during this challenging period. You’ve shown that you can step into the management role in the future, and we’re looking forward to it.”

Interpersonal skills

“Your excellent communication skills create a positive atmosphere in our team. During the meeting with the stakeholders, your active listening and thoughtful responses encouraged open dialogue and room for negotiation. We value and appreciate your contribution.”
“We want to express our appreciation for tactfully and empathically handling clients’ concerns. Not only did you manage to resolve an ongoing issue, but also to strengthen our relationship with the client. Your excellent negotiation skills will make your presence invaluable in every meeting from now on.”

Problem-Solving Skills

“Your outstanding problem-solving skills make you a vital asset to our team. When the challenge arose during the project, your innovative approach led to finding a breakthrough solution that enabled us to finish the project on time. Keep thinking outside the box, we’re looking forward to hearing any innovative ideas you come up with.”
“Your analytical thinking and solution-oriented mindset make you stand out. When we were stuck with a persistent bug, your approach to the code not only fixed the issue but also made the system work even better, creating a better user experience for our clients. We all appreciate it!”

Organisational Skills

• “Your impact on our organisation system is remarkable. Since joining our team, your organisational skills have redefined how we see productivity and efficiency. Your structured approach has helped to streamline some of our processes and automate tedious and repetitive tasks. Thank you so much for making a lasting difference!”
“Your exceptional organisational skills have revolutionised how we work, from redesigning filing methods to creating more efficient communication channels. We truly appreciate that you helped all team members save so much time and couldn’t imagine having a better office manager!”


To sum it up, you should develop strategies for employee retention and motivation to stop employees from disengaging. Positive feedback and recognition are crucial to boosting engagement and productivity and creating a healthy workplace culture.

The change starts with you as a manager, so it’s essential to start incorporating positive feedback more regularly. Don’t wait for special occasions and achieving huge milestones. Praise your employees often, even for small things, and watch what happens when you start doing so!

We hope our positive employee feedback examples inspired you to come up with your own.

Author Bio

Andrew Makhovskyi is the CEO and co-founder of Effy AI, a 360 feedback and performance review software that is changing the way managers work and run employee reviews.

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