6 Top Tips When Working from Home is the Only Option
Working from home is a significant adjustment for some people. We have collated some important actions that will make a difference to your new routine. Guest written by Letícia Miranda.

It’s fair to say that contemporary life has accelerated since the advent of the internet. This, combined with the advance of globalisation, and the continual use of technology have both become irreplaceable to our routine. These factors have all transformed the way we live our lives professionally and personally.
Among these changes comes the option for working from home, in which you can be working as a freelancer, developing your own business or occupying a vacancy in an organisation that offers the remote working options.
This new modality has quickly becoame attractive and useful for people who prefer to work in their own homes, or in alternative, creative places.
With the recent COVID-19 pandemic declared worldwide, the requirement to stay at home until the outbreak is controlled, has lead to home office working being the only real option for maintaining income, whilst ensuring health and wellbeing.
However, many people who are not used to the freedom offered by home working have, understandably, found it difficult to adapt and maintain their productivity. To improve things, it often helps to make some changes. Which is why we have collated some important actions that will make a difference to your new routine.
1) Setup the Right Space
The remote working model still requires a working environment. Make sure you organise a well-lit, comfortable and private space.
2) Stay Disciplined
Avoid interruptions and procrastination. In other words, do not do what you would not do during working hours. This discipline to keep to the same working structure can be a challenge but is vital to home working success.
3) Play Your Day
Plan each day, by setting your priorities. Make post-it notes and try to start the day by tackling the most complex tasks first. Sometimes it seems that things pile up and it can be more distressing working at home, if you have a list of priorities it will be easier to eliminate them one-by-one.
4) Take Breaks
It is important that you take your work period seriously so that you can take a good break when necessary. Avoid eating whilst working. Instead, take a proper break for lunch. It’s good to stay hydrated during the day too. Drinking more water has been linked with improved focus.
5) Dress Code
There is no productivity rule linked to dress codes. That said, try to dress for work the way you feel most comfortable. It may sound silly but some home workers still choose to put on a suit and tie when they go to their home desk.
6) Maintain Human Interaction, Virtually
Many people find it difficult to work at home because they miss the human interaction element of an office. Being around others who you can ask questions of, offer suggestions to and collaborate with is often associated with improved working. When human interaction with colleagues is not possible, it’s time to turn to virtual connectivity. Using technology like Slack, PushFar, Trello, Skype, Zoom and Microsoft Teams are essential to staying connected, organising what each team is doing and setting deadlines. Create a strategy to keep internal communication easy and fluid between each organisation and team during working hours, so even if you don't have physical contact, there will be a comfortable and healthy work environment and your team will work better.
Remember, during this period of uncertainty, to view forced home working as an opportunity, rather than a limitation. We hope the above tips will help you with home working! If you’re looking to take things even further, why not consider joining PushFar as a mentor or mentee? Click here to register free today.
This article was guest-written by Letícia Miranda.
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