5 Ways to Keep on Top of Your Goals and Aims in 2019

Set New Year's resolutions in 2019? Follow these guidelines to help you achieve them.

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The new year is here, and you have likely either set yourself some new year's resolutions or at the very least thought about the things you would like to achieve in 2019. And that's fantastic! Setting goals, targets and aims is a brilliant first step to improving yourself, your career and the world you surround yourself with. The challenge now is going to be keeping on top of your goals, managing and monitoring your progress and generally ensuring you are doing what you have set out to do in the year ahead. Below are just a few things that might just help you to keep on top of your goals and achieve what you want to this year.

1. Be Realistic
Keeping on top of your goals is hard enough to do if they are realistic, but if you are setting yourself unachievable or incredibly challenging goals, you are setting yourself up to likely fail. Don't! Be realistic about what you can manage, take-on and achieve in a day, week, month or year. Being realistic will help you to keep on top of your goals and ultimately feel a lot better than setting unrealistic goals that you fail to achieve.

2. Celebrate the Wins
Every time you achieve a goal or aim, celebrate it. Pat yourself on the back, pour yourself a pint (unless ‘not drinking' not drinking is a goal), treat yourself to a chocolate bar or publicly acknowledge it with a tweet or Facebook message. Even if it's only part of the goal or aim that you manage to achieve - celebrate it. The more you can celebrate, the more motivating it will be to continue with your goals.

3. Break the Goals Down
Sure, becoming a millionaire is a great goal to have in 2019 but that is a big challenge (see point 1 for this by the way). If you genuinely think that becoming a millionaire in a year is a realistic goal, then that's brilliant! Side note: we might be looking to raise additional investment in 2019 so if you do become a millionaire, feel free to drop our CEO an email to ed@pushfar.com. Wink Emoji Now, the key is then to break it down into smaller, more manageable goals. How are you going to reach your larger goal? What things do you need to achieve to make this happen?

4. Track Everything
There are lots of tools out there to track productivity. PushFar is one such tool that can help with tracking goals, targets and aims in the workplace and throughout your career. Other tools and apps can help with personal habit tracking such as going to the gym, learning languages, etc. Being able to track your goals will help you not only to reach them more easily but also to look over your progress and longer-term encouraging more target and aim setting.

5. Check-In with a Friend, Mentor or Manager
Having friends, mentors or managers to check-in with is a helpful way of ensuring you are staying on top of your goals and aims. By discussing what you are trying to achieve with a support-network, you are more likely to really work towards your goals. Having that extra accountability of someone with expectations of you is a good type of pressure to put on yourself.

So, there we have it. Five easy and effective ways to ensure you stay on top of your new year's resolutions and goals for 2019. If you haven't yet done so, make sure you register for PushFar today, click here - it's free!
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