Mentoring Resources & Articles

The latest on mentoring guidelines, news and mentoring software updates from PushFar.

Our Resources

PushFar provides a wealth of mentoring, coaching and learning resources, alongside our software, to help both participants and program managers to make the most of mentoring and coaching programs. On our mentoring platform we also include training videos and regularly host mentoring training webinars.
Guidelines for Mentees

Mentee Guidelines

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Guidelines for Mentors

Mentor Guidelines

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The ultimate guide to mentoring

The Ultimate Guide

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The benefits of mentoring

Benefits of Mentoring

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Diversity and Inclusion

Diversity and inclusion

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Most Recent Articles

Reskilling and Upskilling: Staying Relevant in a Rapidly Changing Job Market

Job Search
In this article, we share strategies you can use to shine against other potential candidates and feel better equipped to find a new role.
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Utilising Mentorship to Alleviate Burnout in Emotionally Demanding Professions

In this article, we take a look at mentoring programs, why they work, and how they can reduce burnout.
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Tips for Finding Suitable Mentorship While Pursuing Your Law Degree

Woman with Laptop
In this article, we share tips for finding a suitable mentorship while pursuing your law degree.
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The Future of Mentorship: Expert Advice for Professionals in 2024

Professional on Laptop
Get ready to dive into the future of mentorship and grab the best practices in mentoring shared by professionals.
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The Benefits of Effective Planning & Goal Setting for 2024

In this article, we will be discussing the benefits of effective planning and goal setting in the hopes it inspires you to restart your to-do list and reach your goals.
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How to Mentor Others About LinkedIn

Online Mentoring Meeting
If you are wondering how you can exactly mentor people on using LinkedIn, then this article is for you. You’ll find tips related to getting started with LinkedIn mentoring, topics to cover, and more. So, let’s get started!
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How to Mentor Junior Software Developers

Software Developer
This article exposes the secrets to a successful mentorship program in software development, so junior software developers are supported on their journey to becoming a pro.
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Inclusive Innovation: Promoting Diversity in the Boardroom

In this article, we share the importance of board diversity and how to improve it.
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13 Professional Goals to Set for a Successful 2024

In this article, we share a list of 13 professional goals you should consider setting to thrive in your career.
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6 Signs Your Employees Are Quietly Quitting and How to Help Them

Quiet Quitting
In this article, we share a few tips on recognising the signs your employees are quietly quitting and how to help them.
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