Mentoring Resources & Articles

The latest on mentoring guidelines, news and mentoring software updates from PushFar.

Our Resources

PushFar provides a wealth of mentoring, coaching and learning resources, alongside our software, to help both participants and program managers to make the most of mentoring and coaching programs. On our mentoring platform we also include training videos and regularly host mentoring training webinars.
Guidelines for Mentees

Mentee Guidelines

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Guidelines for Mentors

Mentor Guidelines

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The ultimate guide to mentoring

The Ultimate Guide

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The benefits of mentoring

Benefits of Mentoring

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Diversity and Inclusion

Diversity and inclusion

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Most Recent Articles

9 Tips for Teaching New Skills to University Students

Student Learning Skills at Home
In this article, we share our top 9 tips for teaching university students new skills to prepare them for the workforce.
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Mutual Mentoring 101: Definition, Benefits and Tips

Mentoring Meeting
In this article, we will be exploring the meaning of mutual mentoring, its incredible benefits and our best tips for implementing a successful mutual mentoring programme within your organisation.
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Transformation Unleashed: Empowering Employee Wellness

Office Meeting
In this article, we discuss the impact of employee wellness, provide strategies that support workers' well-being, explain technology's role in upholding employee wellness, and uncover how to overcome challenges that come with this endeavour.
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7 Ways Universities Can Effectively Prepare Students for the Workplace

University Student
In this article, we will be sharing our top 7 strategies that universities can use to effectively prepare their students for their future careers.
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10 Positive Employee Feedback Examples for Different Skills

In this article, we’ve provided ten positive employee feedback examples to inspire and get you started.
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7 Employee Coaching Tips to Better Motivate, Train, and Guide Them

Mentor and Mentee
In this article, we share our top 7 tips for getting coaching right at your organisation to help employees thrive.
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5 Simple Ways to Establish Effective Mentoring Boundaries

Mentor Match
In this article, we explore the benefits of setting mentoring boundaries and the steps you can take to set boundaries effectively.
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Mastering the Job Search: 9 Essential Tips to Land Your Dream Job

Interview Candidate
Discover our nine essential tips to enhance your job search, boost the chances of landing your dream job role and stand out from the crowd.
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Creating a Thriving Remote-First Workplace: Tips for Remote Team Collaboration and Engagement

Remote Working
In this article, we explore the rise of remote work, how your organisation can build a thriving remote-first workforce and the impressive benefits of it.
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The 5 Top Skills Every University Student Needs (& How to Develop Them)

In this article, we will be sharing the top 5 skills you need as a student and the best free or affordable ways you can develop them.
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